DFW Pinball League
We Have Moved! All info on this site is now OUTDATED! Please see the body text for the address to the new website - the old site won't all the link in this banner!
The original DFW Pinball League!
Started and operating since 2015, The DFW Pinball League serves all of North Texas
Louis Marx has been buying/selling/trading and playing pinball in North Texas since 2001.
He has been attending the Texas Pinball Festival every year since 2001 (through all five cities that have hosted the event over the years)!
The DFW League started in 2015 at an arcade called Nickelrama. In 2016 we were still at Nickelrama part of the time and also started hosting events in unique and rare PRIVATE pinball collections. In 2017 we moved to the current model of having ALL events take place in some of the best North Texas game rooms and private pinball collections.
.... AND NOW: thanks to our efforts, there are now multiple tournament organizers and leagues in North Texas, running at multiple venues. So EVERYONE can have access to pinball tournaments and leagues! We support them all - to grow the game for everyone!
We ALWAYS encourage family participation and even have events specifically for kids with amazing prizes!
This league, the original DFW Pinball League, travels to some of the best North Texas game rooms and private pinball collections. For each event, you would usually pay $10 for adults, but kids 16 and under play free. These funds cover the IFPA sanctioning fees and actual event costs. The officials make NO MONEY on the league - WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS. Generally, I will not turn anyone away over money at the events hosted at people's homes (private pinball collections). In normal events, if you can't pay, I will pay for you!
Occasionally, there will be a charity component (ask) as well. When this happens, you must be able to pay this. Usually the charity asks are small. For example, the Toad Suck Shootout is a charity event that opens out league every year and the ask there has been for an a minimum of $25-30 in past years (which goes towards Education and College Scholarships for kids).
Occasionally a host will have a LARGER event, special event, or national event. These events generally cost more. Many of them pay out prize money and/or special prizes, and have something UNIQUE about them. For example, at the "Hotter Than Mother's Pinball" tournament that was held in Keller, Texas in March 2024, the cost was a little higher because the host offered a 'bounty' for the best score on 7 different EM machines. It was a unique twist that had people talking.
These tournaments are for ALL SKILL LEVELS. We have had players as young as 3 years old and as old as 81 in our leagues. So everyone is welcome - Just come , hang out , eat , drink , & play pinball! Its about having fun!
Most events are sanctioned by the International Flipper Pinball Association: https://www.ifpapinball.com/ and, while Louis Marx is the Head Tournament Director and League Official, all events are brought to you by and are the property of DFW Pinball League, LLC.
Find more details on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/164360813769869/ or email marx.pinball@gmail.com for Louis Marx, DFW Pinball League Tournament Director.

League Standings and Rules
2023 DFW Pinball League
Explanation and Specific Rules!
At each NORMAL league event we actually have MULTIPLE events going on:
(1) A DFW League event (open to everyone)
(2) A standalone IFPA tournament
(3) A "KIDZ Final" with incredible prizes for the children aged 16 and under
SPRING/SUMMER LEAGUE ONLY -- We held a women's league event (which usually mirrored the DFW league event) - Starting with the FALL LEAGUE the women will be hosting their own events. https://www.facebook.com/dfwwomenspinballleague/ for info on the DFW Women's League
A lot of our serious competitors need "WPPR Points" and by running the multiple concurrent events, this provides more points for them while also providing a variety of choices for everyone.
We provide hours upon hours of pinball fun - YOU choose how much you participate. Its totally up to you! Play as much or as little as you like!
MOST EVENTS: have random PRIZE drawings so, ANYONE can win! These include T-Shirts, Gift Cards, and more!
---- We will be using the NEW RSVP system that was built into the Matchplay website at https://next.matchplay.events/
---- Since this is a new Matchplay feature, we reserve the right to update this rule IF needed.
---- For any events requiring an RSVP, the event will be submitted to the IFPA and have a Matchplay page built for it 30 or more days prior to the day that we start accepting RSVPs.
---- If you are unable to get Matchplay to work for you, you can reach out to Louis Marx (marx.pinball@gmail.com) via email or on Facebook Messenger, however, until he has replied, you are NOT registered. If all registration slots become FULL while waiting on that reply, you will be added to the waitlist for that event. Louis Marx is not responsible for communications that he does not receive, regardless of who is at fault.
---- The A Division players are looking for "WPPR Points".
---- We give prizes like gift cards, t-shirts, and MORE for the B Division players -- so ALL SKILL LEVELS CAN WIN!
---- A person who has placed in the TOP 4 in A division in any of the past THREE (3) events hosted by this league will be ineligible for B Division play. This can include results submitted from a completed league or a special event. This helps to leave the B division prizes for B division players!
- Based on the qualifying in each of the tournaments, the top four eligible kids aged 16 and under will play ONE game to determine the winner of the KIDZ FINAL.
- If there are less than 4 eligible kids, then we will play with all eligible kids that are present.
- The intent is to provide an age appropriate prize to the winner of the KIDZS FINAL at each event.
- To insure that its fair for all kids and that everyone has a chance to win, a child will be EXCLUDED from the KIDZ FINAL for next two events after they WIN, thus giving other kids a chance to win.
- The KIDZ FINAL is unsanctioned and therefore, a kid can choose to play in BOTH the KIDZ Final and the tournament finals if they wish.
Each league will consist of 7 Events
The first SIX (6)
EVENTS will be "Group Match Play" format -
A series of events will be created on the Matchplay website (https://next.matchplay.events/).
Players will play in groups of FOUR (4) that are balanced across the entire series. This means that it will try to group players with other players that have not already been faced in this league.
At each league event, each group will play FOUR (4) games in their assigned grouping.
- To be eligible for
playoffs/finals (and IFPA/WPPR Points) any player that qualifies must participate in 50% or more of
the qualifying games. Thus, a player may attend only HALF/THREE (3) of the events and still be eligible
for the playoffs.
NOTE: Even if you won't place well enough to play in the playoffs/finals, playing in 3 or more events benefits EVERYONE because it increases the value of the WPPR points for entire league. - League Standings and playoffs/finals qualification:
-- League standings will be based on the total score for each player's top 4 events.
-- Based on the 4 event basis, a player can miss 2 of the 6 qualifying events without hindering their standing.
-- Those that compete in all 6 events will have a better chances Matchplay uses their best 4 qualifying events.
-- If someone only competes in 3 qualifying events, they ARE still eligible for the playoffs/finals, but a ZERO will be used as score for their fourth event.
-- If needed (If players are tied for the final playoff spot), a tiebreaker game will be played on the DAY OF the playoffs/finals to determine the final entrant in the playoffs/finals. - The SEVENTH (7th) event will be the playoffs/finals. We will include as many players as possible in the playoffs/finals, capped at a maximum of 50% of players that qualified by participating in 3 or more events.
- Thus, if a higher ranked eligible player fails to attend, that person's spot will be given to the NEXT HIGHEST RANKED qualifying player that is present.
- League standings coming into the playoffs/finals will be posted BOTH, on this website AND in the league Facebook group (DFW Pinball League, News, and Events at https://www.facebook.com/groups/164360813769869/).
- League playoffs/finals will be a strikes tournament (a player is eliminated after receiving a preset number of strikes).
- League playoffs/finals start PROMPTLY. The cut-off for getting registered is at the START of the players meeting at the beginning of the playoffs. Anyone arriving after that cannot be in the playoffs unless they have texted or direct messaged Louis Marx (with his acknowledgment that he received it) to let him know they are going to be late (so he can add them). He can be DM-ed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or via text message (for those players that have requested his phone number AT an event). If he DID NOT acknowledge your message, then he did not receive it and we are not responsible if he does not receive it OR for technical difficulties/glitches/problems. . . so just BE ON TIME!
- For ties in playoffs, results are reported based on each players' seed coming into/entering the playoffs, so qualifying position MATTERS!

Please Support Our 2024 League Sponsors
Thank you to our league sponsors:
These are the people and businesses who help make this league happen!
Alphabetic List:
DOUBLE DANGER PINBALL (https://www.ddpinball.com/)
FREE PLAY ARCADE (https://freeplayinc.com/)
JARED'S EPIC BLASTER BATTLE (https://www.blasterbattle.com/)
LORD OF THE GAMEROOM (https://lordofthegameroom.com/)
NATIONAL VIDEO GAME MUSEUM (https://nvmusa.org/)
PINBALL WHEEZER https://www.facebook.com/pinballwheezer)
TITAN PINBALL (https://www.titanpinball.com/)
League and Regional Event Schedules

2023 DFW Pinball League and Regional Events
Regional/non-league events are highlighted in BOLD
March 24-26:
Texas Pinball Festival Wizards & Classics tournaments in Frisco, Texas
Sunday April 30 @ Noon
The 11th Toad Suck Shootout charity fundraiser in Collinsville, Texas
Saturday May 6 @ Noon
George's home in The Colony, Texas
May 20-21:
Abilene Showdown hosted by the Shahans in Abilene, Texas
2 league events & 3 tournaments in ONE weekend
Saturday June 3 @ 1 PM
Jorge Ramos' home in Grandview, Texas
June 16-18
Silverball Showdown in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2023 Titan Pinball Southwest Regional Pin-Masters in Arlington, Texas
Sunday July 2 @ Noon
Stephen Brown's home in Frisco, Texas
Sunday July 30 @ Noon
Kimballs Pinballs in Fort Worth, Texas
Saturday August 5 @ Noon
Spring/Summer League Finals AND public tournament
Carson's home in Carrollton, Texas
Saturday August 19 @ Noon
Stacy Devino's and Stephen Wylie's home in Carrollton, Texas
Monday September 4 @ Noon
Labor Day Blowout hosted by Kevin
Moore and Pinball-ERS in Princeton, Texas
Sunday September 17 @ Noon
Danis' home in Flower Mound, Texas
Sunday October 1 @ Noon
The 10th Alan Marx Memorial Charity Fundraiser in Rowlett, Texas
Sunday October 15 @ Noon
Ken Kemp's home in Collinsville, Texas
Saturday November 18 @ 1 PM
Rusty & Shelley Nunnelee's home in McKinney, Texas
November 10-12:
The Space City Open in Houston, Texas
Saturday December 2 @ Noon
BOTH Fall League Finals AND Public Tournament
Scott Martin's Home in Richardson, Texas

The 10th Alan Marx Memorial IFPA Pinball Fundraiser was held on October 1, 2023.
Thanks to YOU we raised $3318.65 for charity!
A Sincere and Heart-Felt Thank You To:
EVERYONE who attended and thus donated money to the charities AND all of the SPONSORS who donated items to the event's silent auction.
The list of silent auction sponsors is listed below (in alphabetical order):
(donated Dallas Mavericks Tickets)
(donated an autographed Dialed In Translite)
(donated restaurant gift cards)
Previous Event Details
We will always try to keep at least 6 months of league info archived
(more if we have space on the site) listed below:

2022 Titan Pinball Southwest Regional
5/14 - 5/15
Venue: Free Play Arlington
A Division Top 4:
1. Ray Ford
2. Tom George
3. Warren Joe
4. Ken Kemp
B Division Top 4:
1. Ian Mattingly
2. Ethan Woodson
3. Krista Warren
4. Gael Brice

2022 Fall League
9/5 - Host: Pinball-ERS
9/17 - Host: (Anonymous)
10/2 - Host: Ken Kemp
10/23 - Event: Alan Marx Memorial Fundraiser
Host: The Marx Family
11/5 - Host: Brandon Jones
11/20 - Tom George
12/4 - Host: Bobby Niefer
Final League Top 4:
1. Garrett Shahan
2. Austin Kemp
3. Kevin Rodriguez
4. Keith Shahan

Separate Tournament at 2022 Fall Finals
12/4 - Host: Bobby Niefer
KIDZ Finals:1. Harrison Marx
2. Savannah Archuleta
3. Jason Trimmer
4. Joshua Ward
A Divison Top 4:
1. Warren Joe
2. Krista Warren
3. Ken Kemp
4. Mark Beardsley
B Divison Top 4:
1. Rick Miller
2. Tim Tennison
3. Joshua Ward
4. Kevin Rodriguez

Separate Tournament at 2022 Fall League Event 6
11/20 - Host: Tom George
KIDZ Finals:
1. Rebecca Warren
2. Savannah Archuleta
A Division Top 4:
1. Garrett Shahan
2. Tom George
3. Kevin Rodriguez
4. Mike Archuleta
B Division Top 4:
1. Sandra Hegeman
2. Ethan Wade
3. Rickie Carson
4. Rebecca Warren

Separate Tournament at 2022 Fall League Event 5
11/5 - Host: Brandon Jones
KIDZ Fnals:
1. Ethan Woodson
2. Lily Engel
A Division Top 4:
1. Garrett Shahan
2. Kevin Rodriguez
3. Mark Beardsley
4. Les Kallestad
B Division Top 4:
1. Ben Woodson
2. Tony Macevicius
3. Tim Tennison
4. Sandra Hegeman

Alan Marx Memorial Fundraiser (Event 4)
10/23 - Host: The Marx Family
KIDZ Finals:
1. Harrison Marx
2. Alexander Heskett
A Division Top 4:
1. Tom Montana
2. Warren Joe
3. David Whitlock
4. Les Kallestad
B Division Top 4:
1. Tim Tennison
2. Mike Archuleta
3. Cody Jones
4. Jorge Ramos
C Division Top 4:
1. Summer Armistead
2. Alexander Heskett
3. Cyrus Robinson
4. Harrison Marx

Service Name
Click here and start typing. Idelit non mi porta gravida at eget metus risus.

Service Name
Click here and start typing. Idelit non mi porta gravida at eget metus risus.

Service Name
Click here and start typing. Idelit non mi porta gravida at eget metus risus.
Site Update Details (minimum of 5 updates):
April 6, 2024
Updated the list of league sponsors for 2024
Updated league descriptions at the top of the page for 2024
October 7, 2023
Posted results and final sponsor list for the 10th Alan Marx Memorial IFPA Pinball Fundraiser
September 16, 2023
Updated sponsorship list for the Alan Marx Memorial Fundraiser
Updated the links on the 2023 Fall League section
Updated the RSVP requirements to mirror the new matchplay requirements.
August 18, 2023
Removed 2023 Spring/Summer League dedicated detail window from the schedule section. The individual events remains on the itemized calendar for now.
Built the detail window in the schedule section for the 10th Alan Marx Memorial Pinball Fundraiser.
Added Facebook links and additional event details for Fall event 2.
July 17-23, 2023
Added the Archive/Changelog Section
Added the link for Fall League event 1
Updated League Standings through 5 events of the Spring/Summer league and posted updated finals info
Posted the 2023 Fall League Rules and Structure
Updated the Ongoing Event Calendar
Updated the List of Ongoing Sponsors
Created and Posted the DFW 2023 Fall League details
June 29, 2023
Added 3 events to the calendar to close out the year (October through December).
Updated the Spring/Summer League details with event links and updated RSVP details.
May 9, 2023
Re-arranged the location of certain items on the page
Posted standings through TWO events in the 2023 Spring/Summer League
Added detail in three different locations on the site about DFW Pinball League, LLC - which took control as of 4/1/2023
For More Information...
...about playing in pinball tournaments in North Texas:
Contact: Louis Marx on Facebook or email with questions...
...go to the new website at https://www.dfw-pinball-league.com/
...or go to the DFW Pinball League Facebook Page at this address:
Property of DFW Pinball League, LLC with all rights reserved.
(C) 2023 - 2024